Stencil Watercolor Pages For Journals
Day 2 of adding color and interest to pages without dying on some loose stacks of white copy paper and lightweight sketchbook papers that I don’t have another use for. I’ll be using these for pages in future journals. It gives me some more options for a quick way to add color to stray pages in the future in between dying sessions as well as helping me reduce paper clutter.
For this second technique I’m changing the order of application as I wasn’t happy with adding so many layers of color by the time I added my stencils so I’m beginning with stencils, leaving a lot of white space and then adding lighter washes on top instead of beginning with medium/dark washes and then having to go much darker. The colors are more pure. These watercolors must be pretty good quality because I didn’t notice that much bleeding if any after adding more water and they didn’t wash away at all. I’m also learning why the stencils failed using the blender brush and how better to overcome that.
Supplies are basic pan watercolors, brushes, and adding different types of stencils that are just found objects.
Also a final flip through of winter journals.
Happy paper crafting!