Wallpaper Journal Cards
Wallpaper is a durable and common item that offers a variety of creative applications. Journal cards, stickers and mats/frames are just a few but wallpaper can even be used for a cover. The decorative scraps make strong paper punch reinforcements for tags. Don’t forget this junk journal staple in your paper projects.
What you’ll need:
Wallpaper or wallpaper borders of your choice
Glue or water to activate the adhesive
Cardstock or other heavy weight paper base

You can brush, dampen or lightly mist the wallpaper back with water to apply to your base by activating the adhesive but this will likely curl your paper requiring book weights for a day or so. Very old wallpaper is difficult to adhere so you might want to choose a liquid glue. In most cases a glue stick will work but if you find it is not adhering, add some liquid glue.
Choose multiple areas of the wallpaper piece to get a variety of cards or choose a focal point. If the design lends itself to a mat or frame try that.
Wallpaper is great for die cutting because of the weight of the paper, die cut some shapes to use as adhesive embellishments or just cut shapes to use as stickers or label backgrounds.
Durability, adhesive properties and the variety of designs makes wallpaper a great choice for paper projects. I hope this inspires you.
Happy paper crafting!